Pop-Up “Audio Listicle”: 11 Old & Unpublished Draft Blogpost Titles…

Okay, this is going to be a little weird…

Here we have the listicle šŸ¤£ nobody knew they needed

^^ The audio (Matthew Fudd Cosmic Dub) ^^


vv A conventional text (pseudo-)listicle describing the above audio listicle: vv

  1. I recorded this audio post sitting in my car in the Tesco parking lot on the way home from work (and Iā€™m still in here typing this, just about to go in for groceries…)
  2. I couldnā€™t post the audio from my iPhone memos so I had to stick it into a video (well, it’s just a picture as video) with my iMovie app.
  3. It was long and slow, so I sped up the sound. A lot. šŸ˜›
  4. This results in some hilarity. This is what Iā€™d sound like if I were not chronically chill and a pretty slow talker. Itā€™s a trip for me to hear me like this. It does actually help me target the kind of vocal energy Iā€™d like to try to have more often, especially with online teaching/presenting. Okay, maybe it’s quite a bit TOO fast at points. But this is interesting. Maybe, just maybe, I’m going to experiment with this as a potential way to maybe help develop my teaching voice (I feel I need that).
  5. I took the picture leaving my (still pretty new for me) office at my uni this afternoon. So this qualifies as an #ELTworkspace post. Look at that big ol’ window right next to my desk!
  6. The whole concept of this post is a bit silly and pretty self-indulgent seeming maybe? Who cares whatā€™s in anyoneā€™s draft post file of their blog?! But actually I donā€™t think itā€™s that in a bad way. And maybe, just maybe, those errant, unfinished blog posts are some kinda thing.
  7. Michael Griffin might think I owe him a drink or something, as this whole thing is awash in His Griffinness. Or maybe heā€™ll think I deserve the drink on him. Sorry, Him. His Griffinness, in any event, is an inspiration to many and I include myself in that number.
  8. In the post I think youā€™ll hear “meta”, “meta meta”, and for #8 of this list(icle) describing the list(icle) above I’m just gonna point out here we have meta meta meta.
  9. Iā€™m wearing a mask in the office in the pic, and thatā€™s because Iā€™m in Thailand and itā€™s been winning re: COVID for reasons including folks arenā€™t 99% ego like tooooo many my yankee brothers and sisters. But right now everyone’s mad at, I dunno, some Egyptian soldiers on vacation who broke self-quarantine and went to a mall with COVID…I can’t keep up with the news when “old draft blogposts” need to be explored.
  10. Iā€™m not kidding about (mostly) just blogging reanimated versions of these old unpublished things for the rest of the year, as I mention towards the end of the 5 minute goofballingness above. Though actually I want to do more audio and video (Vlog) type things here mostly, or just experiment creatively more (like this, sort of, but…well…better). We shall see! Anyway, I hope those who listen to these weird 5 minutes (exactly!?) get a good LAUGH…congrats if you make it to ā€œNevermind the Bollocks: About Micro-Teachingā€. LOL. I really must write that actual post. I’m pretty sure I know what it was all about!

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